Fasting Fajitas [photos 2012]

I had every intention of posting a one year update on the Primal lifestyle I started on last March, but I’m behind. This will be a quick version since today’s photo is related.

My total weight loss last year was thirty pounds and I’ve kept all but four or five pounds off. I’ve been moving less and eating a bit more since starting work at my full-time job in October, but I’ve kept up my fitness routine and I’m continuing to gain strength. I’d like to start keeping track of percent body fat instead of weight, but haven’t found a good way to do that.

Anyhoo. . . In an effort to get the weight started on a downward trend, I decided to do an intermittent fast today. It was tough! Sometimes it’s nearly effortless, but not today. That’s why today’s photo is significant to me. I broke my fast with these fajitas. Are they still fajitas without the tortillas? Close enough. They were wonderful!


This post is part of my One Photo Per Day of 2012 project. Technical details: iPhone 4s using Camera+.





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