I’m too blessed to be stressed and I hope you are too.
I love technology, especially Apple’s current stuff, Macs and i-Devices alike. I gave up news and terrestrial radio several years ago and just about all of my entertainment is via my iPhone and the Overcast app which brings me my weekly dose of podcasts. I’m currently listening and learning about Real Estate Investing.
I’ve also been an eBay seller since 2003 and a Real Estate photographer offering 360 virtual tours for Middle Tennessee and the surrounding areas since 2007. My other side hustle is web design and development. I love to help small businesses have an effective web presence. My full-time occupation is in operations and engineering at Prime Hospitality Group. I guess you could say I’m a “technician suffering from an entrepreneurial seizure” to quote Michael Gerber.

God has blessed me with a wonderful wife and daughter and both keep me humble. I have been blessed to serve in the Gideons International since 2004.
I treat this site as a lighthearted life stream, a playground for my WordPress addiction, and a showcase for some of the projects I’m more proud of. I sincerely hope you find something useful here. My name is Brett Weaver, but you probably guessed that by now.
God Bless,