An Incredible Sunday

SavannahA couple of weeks ago when we arrived at church my three year old, Savannah said “Daddy, it’s going to be an incredible day isn’t it?” I said “It sure is sweetheart. Today is what ever you make of it”. Sunday’s are always incredible, but when she said that I just had a little “moment” there. Besides the fact that she had used a really big word for a three year old, I realized that if we could all wake up with that kind of outlook on life every day. . .even two or three days out of the week, this world would be a much better place.

It’s nice to have a child around to keep you humble, but today I got an added benefit. You see every year about this time I have to spend most of an afternoon picking up walnuts that have fallen off the tree out behind our house. Otherwise I can’t mow the grass. Last year Savannah “helped”, but this year she really made this chore easy for me 🙂

Savannah picking up walnutsWe were home alone since my wife Amy was out of town, so we were just hanging out in the back yard. When I pointed out the walnut situation (with no intention of actually going into it today), Savannah insisted that she wanted to pick them up. I wasn’t about to look that gift horse in the mouth so I promptly provded her with a suitable container and she went to work. Within just a few minutes the entire area was walnut free and se was asking for more. I assured her that in a couple of weeks the rest would fall and she would have ample opportunity to be helpful. In a way I wish kids would stay this age. . . .







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