Preparing for Christmas

I hope you know The One who is the real meaning of Christmas.  If not, then that is the most important preparation you can make.  Forget the commercial aspect of Christmas if you don’t have a relationship with Jesus.  Contact me if you would like to find out more.

Having said that I want to wish you all a very Merry Christmas!  This is a special one for us since we have a three year old in the house.  We do believe in Santa Claus around here! 😉

We’ve had a magical couple of days since I have taken vacation days to supplement the regular holiday days off.  Amy, Savannah and I have just enjoyed each other’s company along with some shopping, baking cookies and wrapping gifts.  Savannah is VERY aware of how Christmas “works” now.  Her favorite movie is Elf with Will Ferrell.  I think she watched at least most of it three times yesterday.  I’m a little bit tired of it but there are a couple of scenes that are funny. . .I don’t care who you are!

I have big plans for the rest of my time off.  Planning for 2007 is high on my list.  I’m happy but not thrilled with my personal growth in 2006.  Considering I didn’t HAVE a personal growth plan this time last year I guess I can’t complain.

All the best from our family to yours!

Brett Weaver

P.S. Don’t forget to start 2007 with a plan.







One response to “Preparing for Christmas”

  1. music Avatar

    very interesting.
    i’m adding in RSS Reader

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