Tag: animals

  • Death By Brown Recluse [photos 2012]

    Funny how things happen. I watched TWiT Photo yesterday and the featured photographer was Catherine Chlamers. This lady raises, photographs and videos bugs . . . and some snakes . . . and rodents. Pretty much everything from that point in the food chain on down. Pretty interesting. This afternoon I heard something and discovered…

  • Curious Cats [photos 2012]

    Curious Cats [photos 2012]

    I’m ‘cheating’ again today, but I really liked this photo. I had a virtual tour shoot in Huntsville today and the homeowner had a couple of cats. They ended up in this photo. They’re not very noticeable, and I’ve cropped it in pretty close, but I still thought it was funny enough to use for…

  • Hog Jowl and Blackeyed Peas [photos 2012]

    Eating hog Jowl and blackeyed peas on New Year’s Day is a Southern tradition that is supposed to bring prosperity in the coming year. This little pig is in the flower garden at a family member’s home where we always gather to eat this stuff. I thought using this little guy as the subject of…