Tag: flowers

  • Morning Daisy [photos 2012]

    This little flower was being kissed with morning sunlight on my walk this morning. Couldn’t help but capture it. And this guy was resting nearby so there’s a bonus photo today. This post is part of my One Photo Per Day of 2012 project. Technical details: iPhone 4s using Camera+.

  • Trellis [photos 2012]

    You could call this a test if the iPhone camera lens’s ability to leep lines straight. I think it does an excellent job for a point and shoot camera, much less a phone. This post is part of my One Photo Per Day of 2012 project. Technical details: iPhone 4s using Camera+.

  • Yellow Roses [photos 2012]

    I noticed the rose bushes at my Dad’s house were really making a showing this evening, so here’s another flower photo for the collection. This post is part of my One Photo Per Day of 2012 project. Technical details: iPhone 4s using Camera+.

  • Morning Roses [photos 2012]

    My morning walk continues to provide the best opportunities for photos. Today’s photo features roses at a neighbor’s drive entrance. This post is part of my One Photo Per Day of 2012 project. Technical details: iPhone 4s using Camera+.

  • Roadside Daisy [photos 2012]

    This is really considered a weed, but I still liked it. I couldn’t get the lighting to look exactly the way I wanted it. The background went from too dark to to light, but the evening sum on the petals is pleasing. This post is part of my One Photo Per Day of 2012 project.…

  • Early Peony [photos 2012]

    More evidence of our abnormally early Spring. This Peony bush usually doesn’t bloom until May. I’ve mentioned weather in several posts, but today was just picture perfect. Temps stayed around 70 F, very light breeze and just enough puffy clouds to keep the sky interesting. I took advantage of the weather by cutting and trimming…

  • Porch Sittin’ Weather [photos 2012]

    All I can say about the weather this week is wow! And it makes me want to sit on the porch. This is our favorite sitting spot when the weather gets like this. Hopefully I will actually have time to do some sitting soon. This post is part of my One Photo Per Day of…

  • Dogwood [photos 2012]

    I decided to go ahead with more spring bloom photos. One of the trees I saw fully bloomed out on Sunday has already settled into it’s summer green. The blooms don’t last long so I think it’s a good idea to capture images some of them. This is a beautiful Dogwood tree on my walking…

  • The Meadow [photos 2012]

    Absolutely gorgeous weather today. I took my walk this evening after work and stopped at a couple of places and took photos. I’m usually walking in the morning so things looked different in the evening light. By now you’ve figured out this was my favorite shot. Oh yes, I finished the Hunger Games. Pretty good…

  • Sun Kissed [photos 2012]

    This was an absolute gorgeous mild evening. This photo wasn’t as sharp as I would have liked, but it was the light that I was really interested in anyway. This post is part of my One Photo Per Day of 2012 project. Technical details: iPhone 4s using Camera+.