Tag: food

  • Memorial Day Hotdogs [photos 2012]

    I missed the parade today and this was the most iconic image I found for Memorial Day. I would also like to add my voice to those who have shown their appreciation for those who have given their life four our country. This post is part of my One Photo Per Day of 2012 project.…

  • Third Sunday In May [photos 2012]

    The third Sunday in May is a family reunion on Amy’s side of the family. One of the Aunt’s always makes ice cream. I cheated and ate some. It was so good! I saw the freezer sitting all by itself and thought it might make a good representative shot of the afternoon. This weekend also…

  • Fasting Fajitas [photos 2012]

    I had every intention of posting a one year update on the Primal lifestyle I started on last March, but I’m behind. This will be a quick version since today’s photo is related. My total weight loss last year was thirty pounds and I’ve kept all but four or five pounds off. I’ve been moving…

  • Hamburger Heaven [photos 2012]

    I had Savannah to myself this evening. Amy and her parents were all at the Emmaus Walk taking place this weekend. She got dropped off at work about forty five minutes before quitting time. Since Amy was gone we ate out. I talked her into Hardee’s and out of McDonalds. I must be getting better…

  • Sleepover Waffles [photos 2012]

    Long day working on the bathroom remodel / repair and then rushed to get ready to go to the movies for The Hunger Games. Plus Savannah had a friend sleep over and as a result of all that I didn’t take many photos. Excuses! Anyway, Amy made these awesome looking waffles for the girls and…

  • Paleo Meal [photos 2012]

    Busy day I’ll admit. Not a lot of photo ops, but I thought dinner was an attractive meal. You got your asparagus sprinkled with grated parmesan, baked turnips and chicken. Yes it was good! This post is part of my One Photo Per Day of 2012 project. Technical details: iPhone 4s using Camera+.

  • Amy At Applebee’s [photos 2012]

    We’re in the middle of a bathroom repair job that has turned into a full fledged remodel. Tonight we decided to go to Lowe’s and get flooring and paint samples. Of Course we had to get something to eat and we chose Applebee’s. I got this pic of Amy while we were waiting on our…

  • Stars of Burgers [photos 2012]

    Hardee’s has been getting my burger dollars for the last year (almost) since I started the Primal Lifestyle. They offer a low carb “Thickburger” which is lettuce wrapped and sans bun. This photo is from our local Hardee’s. This location by the way is the slowest in service time of almost any restaurant I go…

  • Friendly’s Ice Cream Shop [photos 2012]

    If you have read through my 2012 photo project at all you probably think I’m obsessed with food. I like good food as much as the next guy, but I think the frequency of food posts is because eating is down time and I can think about taking more photos. At any rate, today was…

  • Shuler’s Restaurant [photos 2012]

    I have another restaurant recommendation for you today. If you’re ever in Watertown New York, I highly recommend Shuler’s. Lots of classic American choices including seafood. I tried the Haddock Stuffed with crab meat and it was delicious. Looks like business is going to keep me in town a couple more nights. Hopefully our other…