Tag: food

  • Peanut Butter Cookies [photos 2012]

    I must have been a good boy today. Amy had a pan of peanut butter cookies on the stove when I got home from work. Before you start wagging your finger, these are low-carb cookies. Probably not exactly Paleo approved, but they’re not too bad for the waistline. This post is part of my One…

  • Texas Peanuts [photos 2012]

    Texas Roadhouse Peanuts that is. Texas Roadhouse is becoming one of our favorite restaurants. We had some gift card money left over from a Christmas gift so we decided to go back there this evening. Faced with my commitment making a photo every day, I put this bit of art together while we waited on…

  • Cafe Tino [photos 2012]

    This was not a particularly memorable restaurant for me other than the sign. Tonight was our supplier’s company New Year’s party featuring Vietnamese Karaoke and lots of food. We stopped off at Cafe Tino’s while we waited for party start time. This post is part of my One Photo Per Day of 2012 project. Technical…

  • Malaysian Chinese Food [photos 2012]

    Today was a long one. I flew from Ho Chi Minh City to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia to visit another supplier (on relatively short notice). The flight wasn’t that long, but it was early. When we got to the airport I asked about wi-fi. The answer was “no, it’s not on this early.” I cracked up.…

  • Fresh Poultry [photos 2012]

    One stretch of road that I’ve been traveling this week has several ‘food vendors’. It’s difficult to get a shot from a moving cab, but I thought this one of fresh poultry turned out good enough to share. Have your choice of chicken or duck. If they only knew what was in store … This…

  • Omnivore’s Heaven [photos 2012]

    Today I have another food photo. I really didn’t have a lot of opportunity to take photos today other than industrial notes. We ate at this awesome Brazilian restaurant. they bring the meat to the table on skewers and they keep on bringing it until you beg for mercy. Beef, lamb, chicken, more beef, calamari…

  • Shrimp Boil [photos 2012]

    The subject of today’s photo is the most spectacular of several courses of a Vietnamese meal that I had this evening at a great open-air restaurant. The Shrimp were brought out like this hanging over the edge of a coconut shell. The waitress then dressed (removed the heads of) the shrimp and stuffed them in…

  • Hog Jowl and Blackeyed Peas [photos 2012]

    Eating hog Jowl and blackeyed peas on New Year’s Day is a Southern tradition that is supposed to bring prosperity in the coming year. This little pig is in the flower garden at a family member’s home where we always gather to eat this stuff. I thought using this little guy as the subject of…