Tag: landscape

  • Littrell Rd Pond Redux [photos 2012]

    A gorgeous morning for a walk. This property begs for a photo on mornings like this. I promised to return here when the grass had greened up so here you go. Same pond, but this is from a bit further down the road. This post is part of my One Photo Per Day of 2012…

  • Littrell Rd Pond [photos 2012]

    This morning I got to walk on my usual route. This spot is within sight of my place. You can’t see it very well, but there’s a lone duck swimming out near mid-frame. I may have to revisit this scene once the grass turns green this spring. This post is part of my One Photo…

  • Covered Bridge [photos 2012]

    This covered bridge is in David Crockett State Park. It’s a popular portrait background for the locals. Since today’s weather was much better then yesterday I decided to take advantage of it and grab this landscape shot. This post is part of my One Photo Per Day of 2012 project. Technical details: iPhone 4s using…