Tag: landscapes

  • Neighborhood Watch [photos 2012]

    . . . Without the neighborhood. This post is part of my One Photo Per Day of 2012 project. Technical details: iPhone 4s using Camera+.

  • Country Stars And Stripes [photos 2012]

    Ok, today I’m coasting off the great real estate for sale shoot I had this weekend. I think that’s ok. Some days you just have more photo ops than others. This was a great rocking chair porch and Old Glory really gave a splash of color. Sal-Lute! This post is part of my One Photo…

  • Barriers [photos 2012]

    I didn’t want to go down there anyway! This post is part of my One Photo Per Day of 2012 project. Technical details: iPhone 4s using Camera+.

  • Westpoint Farm Pond [photos 2012]

    I had a couple of photo shoots today for Sue Jeffers, a realtor from Brentwood. Bothe were fairly close to home. The first was out in the middle of nowhere in Westpoint. The seller had built a dam and created this pond and built a cabin on the hill overlooking it. Gorgeous spot with a…

  • Sunday Sunrise [photos 2012]

    I hear it’s Earth Day. I guess this photo is fitting. I saw this scene as soon as I left on my walk this morning. It’s dressed up with some HDR effects that make it look more like an illustration. I thought it turned out pretty good. This post is part of my One Photo…

  • Spring Wheat [photos 2012]

    Genetically modified. Government subsidized. Too close to home. Still makes for a nice scene and springtime photograph. This post is part of my One Photo Per Day of 2012 project. Technical details: iPhone 4s using Camera+.

  • A Favorite View [photos 2012]

    This is one of my favorite views. Lucky for me it’s right outside my back door. I have to admit I’ve been a bit distracted from taken photos by the Hunger Games trilogy, but I just finished it so I should be back on task starting tomorrow. This post is part of my One Photo…

  • Rain Cloud [photos 2012]

    I watched this rain cloud for several miles on my way home from work today waiting for a better view of the horizon. Hopefully this and the fact that I got our master bath put back together will justify missing two days of posting. This post is part of my One Photo Per Day of…

  • Porch Sittin’ Weather [photos 2012]

    All I can say about the weather this week is wow! And it makes me want to sit on the porch. This is our favorite sitting spot when the weather gets like this. Hopefully I will actually have time to do some sitting soon. This post is part of my One Photo Per Day of…

  • Late March Sunset [photos 2012]

    A beautiful end to this work week. We had some “going out like a lamb” gentle rain midday, but as you can see, it’s clearing now. This post is part of my One Photo Per Day of 2012 project. Technical details: iPhone 4s using Camera+.