Tag: landscapes

  • The Meadow [photos 2012]

    Absolutely gorgeous weather today. I took my walk this evening after work and stopped at a couple of places and took photos. I’m usually walking in the morning so things looked different in the evening light. By now you’ve figured out this was my favorite shot. Oh yes, I finished the Hunger Games. Pretty good…

  • Retreating Storm Clouds [photos 2012]

    There was no extreme weather in the area today as far as I know, but there was a small storm cell moving over Loretto as I was on the way home with some wicked lightening. This is looking east at the retreating storm. This post is part of my One Photo Per Day of 2012…

  • In Like A Lion [photos 2012]

    What a difference a day makes! As often happens, we’re “paying” for the near 70 deg weather as a cold front came through the area. North Alabama was once again hit with one particular subdivision having 50 out of 60 home seriously damages or deatroyed. Today’s photo is of an ominous cloud that skirted to…

  • Traveler’s Motel [photos 2012]

    This is definitely not a lodging recommendation, but this old motel is a familiar site on the main thoroughfare in Lawrenceburg. I thought this old sign made a good daily photo contribution, especially since I like grunge. This post is part of my One Photo Per Day of 2012 project. Technical details: iPhone 4s using…

  • Red Skies In The Morning [photos 2012]

    Red skies in the morning mean sailors should take warning, is a saying I’ve heard my whole life. Today was a good example of why. This photo is of today’s sunrise. By 9 a.m. it was raining cats and dogs. It cleared again by late afternoon. I’m going to break the pattern and share a…

  • Steely Clouds [photos 2012]

    I thought this cloud formation was interesting. The clarity effect in Camera+ made it even better. This post is part of my One Photo Per Day of 2012 project. Technical details: iPhone 4s using Camera+.