Tag: primal lifestyle

  • The Primal Blueprint [infographic]

    Learn more at Mark’s Daily Apple.

  • Fasting Fajitas [photos 2012]

    I had every intention of posting a one year update on the Primal lifestyle I started on last March, but I’m behind. This will be a quick version since today’s photo is related. My total weight loss last year was thirty pounds and I’ve kept all but four or five pounds off. I’ve been moving…

  • Primal Lifestyle Update, 6-month edition

    This is a quick update on my Primal lifestyle progress. This is six months after beginning a relatively low carb and relatively high fat diet based around The Primal Blueprint by Mark Sisson and with convictions gained after reading Why We Get Fat and What to do About It by Gary Taubes. Weight Loss –…

  • You’re Not Broken!

    You’re Not Broken!

    This week I wanted to feature another podcast that I’ve been getting a lot of mileage out of since starting to follow the Primal / Paleo lifestyle.  This podcast is by a guy named Angelo Coppola and is called Latest in Paleo.  You can find Latest in Paleo on the 5BY5 podcast network and the…

  • Low Carb Journey interview with Mark Sisson

    I ran across another great blog this week. It’s written by Hank Garner over at MyLowCarbJourney.com. Hank has lost some serious weight in the past year following the Primal / Paleo eating plan and he interviews some great people on his Low Carb Journey Podcast.  One particular episode that deserves a link is Hank’s interview…

  • Primal Blueprint Fitness started

    This is day 30 since “going Primal” for me and this was another great week.  I started the Primal Blueprint Fitness plan and got a couple of new gadgets.  I’ll be sharing about that as well as a quick review of the Primal Blueprint Quick and Easy Meals Cookbook by Mark Sisson. If we consider…

  • Primal Progress: Seven pounds in three weeks!

    Once again I’ve decided to post a weekly update on my Primal progress. I feel like I’m driving some of my friends and family crazy talking about how much better I (and Amy) feel since starting to eat following the Primal / Paleo way, so one reason for continuing to blog about it is just…

  • The Primal Blueprint – It’s the Real Deal

    The results I’m seeing after two weeks of following the paleo lifestyle are exciting enough that I wanted to blog about it again this week. I may have mentioned before that my wife Amy is on board with our new primal eating plan. She’s the cook in the family so that really helps. The fact…

  • Going Paleo Week One – 4 Big Benefits

    Going Paleo Week One – 4 Big Benefits

    Last week I shared about my all-of-a-sudden move to a healthier way to eat and live. I like the term ‘Paleo Lifestyle’ so I’m going to adopt that term for my efforts. I promised some background that led up to my decision to adopt this diet/lifestyle. This post turned out to be longer than I…

  • Why We Get Fat and Going Primal

    A turning point This is a quick post to document a turning point for me in the health and diet department that should also impact my fitness. What triggered it The trigger for this coming change came from an unlikely source. Paul Thurott is the host of the Windows Weekly podcast with Leo LaPorte on…