Tag: Savannah

  • Pi(l)gram [photos 2012]

    Savannah’s depiction of an Emmaus Walk pilgrim on a trivet. She has a lot of stuff that I need to scan or photograph. Hopefully I’ll get to it sometime. This post is part of my One Photo Per Day of 2012 project. Technical details: iPhone 4s using Camera+.

  • My Valentine [photos 2012]

    Can’t beat a valentine like this! This post is part of my One Photo Per Day of 2012 project. Technical details: iPhone 4s using Camera+.

  • Alie and Amanda: The Sleepover [photos 2012]

    Today’s image is more artwork by Savannah. I love children’s art because they have yet to believe that they are not creative. The public school system hasn’t sucked all the creativity out of them yet. Savannah made a book for me today. It’s about two girls named Alie and Alison who are planning a sleepover.…

  • Welcome Home [photos 2012]

    Well I have much to be thankful for today. After a 25 hour trip including one 13 hour and 48 minute flight from Hong Kong to Chicago, I finally made it home from Vietnam. When I arrived, we had a mini celebration. Savannah had made this welcome home sign for me and I think it…

  • My Birthday Plans

    Thanks to all my Facebook friends for the Birthday wishes. I'm having a great one so far. To prove it I thought I would share the plans Savannah made yesterday.  At her insistence, we made a list of ten things to do yesterday and another ten things for today just for my birthday.  It would…

  • Savannah's Christmas List

    Seems like I always have a Christmas related post and this year is no exception. Just had to share this for you and also for my records. It’s my daughter’s Christmas list. She’s in kindergarten this year and learning fast how to read and write. I don’t know about you but I didn’t learn that…

  • Savannah and Walnuts

    Savannah and Walnuts Originally uploaded by Brett Time flies…..seems like yesterday that Savannah and I were in the back yard picking up walnuts. Here’s a photo of this year’s version of our annual “event”. Brett

  • Pigtails

    See the Photo on Flickr Today I’m learning to post from my Flickr account. I’ve been getting back into photography lately and I ran across this photo of Savannah from earlier this year. I just loved her expression in this photo so I decided to use it as the guinea pig of my Flickr posting…

  • Disney Slideshow

    We just got back from Walt Disney World….actually a couple of weeks ago. I’ve uploaded my favorite pics to Flickr, and here’s a slideshow. Enjoy! If you’d like more detail on the photos, visit my Flickr site. Created with Admarket’s flickrSLiDR.