Tag: vietnam

  • Ben Thanh Market Doll [photos 2012]

    We’re having a string of gray and uninspiring winter days in Tennessee so I again turned indoors for today’s photo. This is a doll/purse that I got for Savannah from the Ben Thanh Market last week in Vietnam. The main reason it’s interesting to me is all the haggling that went on to get it.…

  • Welcome Home [photos 2012]

    Well I have much to be thankful for today. After a 25 hour trip including one 13 hour and 48 minute flight from Hong Kong to Chicago, I finally made it home from Vietnam. When I arrived, we had a mini celebration. Savannah had made this welcome home sign for me and I think it…

  • Cafe Tino [photos 2012]

    This was not a particularly memorable restaurant for me other than the sign. Tonight was our supplier’s company New Year’s party featuring Vietnamese Karaoke and lots of food. We stopped off at Cafe Tino’s while we waited for party start time. This post is part of my One Photo Per Day of 2012 project. Technical…

  • New Years Flowers [photos 2012]

    Flowers are a big part of the Lunar New Year decorations in Vietnam. The main displays are not set up yet, but vendors like these are popping up everywhere. This post is part of my One Photo Per Day of 2012 project. Technical details: iPhone 4s using Camera+.

  • Technology On The Move [photos 2012]

    This is the exact shot I’ve been hoping for ever since I arrived in Vietnam. Classic Ho Chi Minh City motorcycle/pickup truck scene. I got this from a moving taxi which is a testament to the lack of shutter lag and speed of the iPhone 4S camera. I’ve seen more stuff on a motorcycle but…

  • And they’re off! [photos 2012]

    Vietnam traffic is definitely different than any I’ve experienced before. They rarely stop, but this is one exception. What you see is traffic stopped at a traffic light and just about to take off. The lights change color every 30 seconds. All of them. What’s cool is that they have an LED counter above the…

  • Fresh Poultry [photos 2012]

    One stretch of road that I’ve been traveling this week has several ‘food vendors’. It’s difficult to get a shot from a moving cab, but I thought this one of fresh poultry turned out good enough to share. Have your choice of chicken or duck. If they only knew what was in store … This…

  • Omnivore’s Heaven [photos 2012]

    Today I have another food photo. I really didn’t have a lot of opportunity to take photos today other than industrial notes. We ate at this awesome Brazilian restaurant. they bring the meat to the table on skewers and they keep on bringing it until you beg for mercy. Beef, lamb, chicken, more beef, calamari…

  • Shrimp Boil [photos 2012]

    The subject of today’s photo is the most spectacular of several courses of a Vietnamese meal that I had this evening at a great open-air restaurant. The Shrimp were brought out like this hanging over the edge of a coconut shell. The waitress then dressed (removed the heads of) the shrimp and stuffed them in…

  • Smiling Faces [photos 2012]

    These three little girls pretty much made my day. They were guests at a wedding at the Ramana Hotel, Saigon. They are learning English and with much giggling they were testing their skills on me. They asked me questions and after I would answer they would run off and discuss what I said and come…