Tag: weather

  • Sunday Sunrise Reprise [photos 2012]

    This was actually a little bit after sunrise, but it’s from almost the same spot as my previous sunrise photo. Guess we’re lucky to live in a pretty nice spot on a really great planet, serving an awesome God. This post is part of my One Photo Per Day of 2012 project. Technical details: iPhone…

  • A Favorite View [photos 2012]

    This is one of my favorite views. Lucky for me it’s right outside my back door. I have to admit I’ve been a bit distracted from taken photos by the Hunger Games trilogy, but I just finished it so I should be back on task starting tomorrow. This post is part of my One Photo…

  • Rain Cloud [photos 2012]

    I watched this rain cloud for several miles on my way home from work today waiting for a better view of the horizon. Hopefully this and the fact that I got our master bath put back together will justify missing two days of posting. This post is part of my One Photo Per Day of…

  • Retreating Storm Clouds [photos 2012]

    There was no extreme weather in the area today as far as I know, but there was a small storm cell moving over Loretto as I was on the way home with some wicked lightening. This is looking east at the retreating storm. This post is part of my One Photo Per Day of 2012…

  • In Like A Lion [photos 2012]

    What a difference a day makes! As often happens, we’re “paying” for the near 70 deg weather as a cold front came through the area. North Alabama was once again hit with one particular subdivision having 50 out of 60 home seriously damages or deatroyed. Today’s photo is of an ominous cloud that skirted to…

  • Rainy Day [photos 2012]

    I had a couple of candidates for today’s photo, but this one won out mostly because it sums up the day. Rainy! If your curiosity is up about the other photo you can check it out on my Instagram feed. This post is part of my One Photo Per Day of 2012 project. Technical details:…