Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
Water Drops [photos 2012]
Good thing I got today’s shot early. It was a relatively busy first day of work in 2012. I was brushing my teeth when I noticed a shaft of morning sun making these water drops look almost like solids on the countertop. The light only lasted for a few minutes and I almost missed it.…
Hog Jowl and Blackeyed Peas [photos 2012]
Eating hog Jowl and blackeyed peas on New Year’s Day is a Southern tradition that is supposed to bring prosperity in the coming year. This little pig is in the flower garden at a family member’s home where we always gather to eat this stuff. I thought using this little guy as the subject of…
One Photo Per Day 2012
This is the first post in a new series. I’m committing to posting one photo per day made with my iPhone during 2012. I’ve kept up with a few other people who have done this and thought it would be cool to try it. I haven’t given this a lot of thought. As a matter…
Savannah’s riding gear.
Tuff Skins
I had to wear Tuff Skins in elementary school, but thankfully not like these! The Sears catalog mention brings back memories. I spent a lot of time in the toy section. Makes me appreciate the internet LOL!
Primal Lifestyle Update, 6-month edition
This is a quick update on my Primal lifestyle progress. This is six months after beginning a relatively low carb and relatively high fat diet based around The Primal Blueprint by Mark Sisson and with convictions gained after reading Why We Get Fat and What to do About It by Gary Taubes. Weight Loss –…
Brett Weaver photography featured on Real Estate Photographers of America & International
One of my bosses in a past life had a saying: “He who toot-eth not his own horn, hear-eth not his own horn tooted!”. So the purpose of this post is simple, and that is to toot my horn! Last year I joined the Real Estate Photographers of America & International. Earlier this year, director Alan…
Got a new iMac this week.
…Actually my first new Mac and I’m really excited about it. Looking forward to getting productive with it.
Saw this on Mac Break Weekly
Persona Mail
You’re Not Broken!
This week I wanted to feature another podcast that I’ve been getting a lot of mileage out of since starting to follow the Primal / Paleo lifestyle. This podcast is by a guy named Angelo Coppola and is called Latest in Paleo. You can find Latest in Paleo on the 5BY5 podcast network and the…
Got any book recommendations?