Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
Savannah and Walnuts
Savannah and Walnuts Originally uploaded by Brett Time flies…..seems like yesterday that Savannah and I were in the back yard picking up walnuts. Here’s a photo of this year’s version of our annual “event”. Brett
See the Photo on Flickr Today I’m learning to post from my Flickr account. I’ve been getting back into photography lately and I ran across this photo of Savannah from earlier this year. I just loved her expression in this photo so I decided to use it as the guinea pig of my Flickr posting…
Disney Slideshow
We just got back from Walt Disney World….actually a couple of weeks ago. I’ve uploaded my favorite pics to Flickr, and here’s a slideshow. Enjoy! If you’d like more detail on the photos, visit my Flickr site. Created with Admarket’s flickrSLiDR.
My Next Clock
It’s funny what will finally prompt one to post a new blog entry after some time of inactivity, but I just couldn’t resist posting about a rather unique clock that I first heard about on the This Week In Tech (TWiT) podcast. It’s called the Voco clock and instead of an annoying buzz or bell…
YEC 2007
“Awesome, driving, anointed worship. . .” is how our Student Pastor, Anthony Potts a.k.a. “Pottsy” described the experience that our youth group could look forward to as we made our way to YEC 2007 (Youth Evangelism Conference) in Nashville, TN this past weekend. We were not disappointed. I have fond memories of YEC back in…
Preparing for Christmas
I hope you know The One who is the real meaning of Christmas. If not, then that is the most important preparation you can make. Forget the commercial aspect of Christmas if you don’t have a relationship with Jesus. Contact me if you would like to find out more. Having said that I want to…
Mind Mapping with MindJet
The best way to “think it” is to “ink it”! Since becoming a student of learning and personal improvement I have discovered that it is vital to capture ideas on paper or electronically for later evaluation and use. As part of a Dave Lakhani coaching group I learned about Mind Mapping software by a company…
How to get referrals for your business
What are your strategies for getting referrals for your business? If you have any kind of business you must get referrals and even more important is having a strategy so that you can get referrals consistently. Especially if you have a network marketing business. If you have any kind of business you should be reading…
All the software you need for free! (Part 2)
Yesterday you read part one of this series about how I trashed the filesystem on my spare Dell PC trying to do a dual-boot install with Ubuntu Linux and restored the XP install successfully. So far so good. Now for the REST of the story. . . When I did the XP re-install I set…
All the software you need for free!
Well. . .sort of. It started when I adopted Firefox as my web browser of choice. The appeal of open source software. Then I started this blog using WordPress which is another great software that is free and works well. Why not wade a little deeper? Now that I’ve got a DSL connection I can…
Got any book recommendations?