Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
Broadband and Online Videos
Even though I’ve been web marketing in one way or the other for over three years my family just recently got a broadband connection. I know, I know, but when you live this far back “in the woods” services are a long time coming. 🙂 It’s great because now we can watch videos online! You…
My favorite passage from the Bible
John 17 Jesus Christ prayed for ME individually and He prayed for YOU too. As He was facing His brutal crucifixion which would provide the bridge into an everlasting life for mankind he prayed for us. Wow. I get chills each time I really dwell on this passage. I just ran across an excellent commentary…
The Cure for Writer's Block
If you need help writing a: resume letter (recommendation, resignation, thank you, sympathy, etc.) business proposal business plan essay news release research paper Then I suggest you check out Writing Help Central. I just found this site this week. I spent a couple hours exploring and still didn’t get to the end of the content.…
Just a playful Saturday
There was no mistaking that it was October in the Volunteer State. Just a little chill in the air and spectacular blue skies. Savannah and I had another playful day. I snapped this shot during one of our excursions outdoors:
Decisions, Decisions, Decisions in 3 easy steps!
When you stop and think about it we should be in awe of all the opportunities we have in today’s world. The only problem is choosing wisely to live abundantly. The other day I ran across a neat little tool that will help you make the best decision in any situation. In a simple three-step…
Start your online business for 33 cents on the dollar!
Ok, I want to tell you a little bit about how I started building my web presence and business, but I’m more excited about the opportunity that YOU have to get start your own successful online business. Hint: YOU can start your own web business the same way I did, but but between now and…
Scripture Distribution
When I was in the fifth grade, the Gideons came to my school and gave me a little red New Testament Bible. I always cherished that copy of God’s Word and admired the men who gave of their time to visit my school. That is why I was honored to be invited to the Gideons.…
An Incredible Sunday
A couple of weeks ago when we arrived at church my three year old, Savannah said “Daddy, it’s going to be an incredible day isn’t it?” I said “It sure is sweetheart. Today is what ever you make of it”. Sunday’s are always incredible, but when she said that I just had a little “moment”…
Divine Appointment
As Becky fumbled to shut off the annoying alarm clock that had disturbed what little sleep she got last night, the full force of grief hit her again. What would she do now? Her husband had been severly beaten in a robery attempt just a few days before and now lay in critical condition in…
My three year old daughter Savannah and I were alone together this evening and I noticed that when I would walk through our house she was always one step behind me. At one point she said “Daddy, I’m scared”. When I quizzed her on the source of her fear I found out that her concern…
Got any book recommendations?