A turning point
This is a quick post to document a turning point for me in the health and diet department that should also impact my fitness.
What triggered it
The trigger for this coming change came from an unlikely source. Paul Thurott is the host of the Windows Weekly podcast with Leo LaPorte on the TWiT network.
In a recent episode (more than one actually), Paul mentioned a book called Why We Get Fat: And What to Do About It by Gary Taubes.
Paul didn’t go into a lot of detail about the diet because as he and the author states “it’s not a diet book”. It was Paul’s statement that “…it’s not IF I lose weight, but how much…” and the conviction with which he said it that prompted me to order a copy of the book.
The first half of the book is a bit tedious as Taubes gives a detailed background of the digestive process and how carbohydrates affect insulin production and the consequences. However, I started devouring it in the second half when the “What to do about it” stuff kicked in.
To tell you the truth, i don’t know exactly what I’m getting into yet except that there will be very few carbohydrates in my future. It’s not “Atkins” or “Sugar Busters” or any other diet exactly. That’s one of the main reasons the idea appealed to me. It’s a “lifestyle”.
Other stuff I’ve found on the subject so far.
The Taubes book just left me wanting more so I searched for related books on Amazon.com and tried to figure out what some of the lingo was associated with this “dietary lifestyle”. I was introduced to the “paleo-primal lifestyle”. The main idea I’ve found is that we should eat the way our forefathers ate in the times before agriculture. In short we should be eating what was “recently alive and soon to spoil”.
My next book to read will probably be the The Primal Blueprint by Mark Sisson. He has a great website called Mark’s Daily Apple. I’ve added these blogs to my Google Reader:
I’m sure these will lead to others, but that’s as far as I’ve gotten so far.
My first day Going Primal
We just went shopping and re-stocked our “carb cabinet” as I call it last week. I’m anxious to get going with this new dietary direction / paleo-primal lifestyle, but not committed enough to waste a week’s worth of groceries no matter how poisonous.
Today at lunch though, I decided to see what it would feel like to skip some carbs. So I made scrambled eggs and turkey bacon. It was almost three o’clock this afternoon when the big bowl of Oatmeal Squares (which is my favorite cereal) I had for breakfast wore off. I started getting light-headed and had a mild headache. Strange feeling, but in a way I’m looking forward to exploring the paleo lifestyle and getting through to the other side. I didn’t give in to the cravings though and by 7pm I’m feeling much better. For now. :-0
Dinner was roasted chicken and cheddar cheese. Earlier this afternoon I snacked on some pepperoni and cheese. I’m simply stumbling through this for now. We’ll get organized in a few days.
We, you say? Yes, my wife and I are doing this together. She tried Sugar Busters a few years ago, but I scoffed and complained about the whole grain pasta and bread. Stoopid me! “Going paleo” together will hopefully make it easier.
Background coming later
There is some background that needs to be shared before you can understand how I had this seemingly knee-jerk reaction to one guy’s mention of some book, but I’ll save that for another day.
What about you? Have you discovered the paleo-primal lifestyle? How’s it working out? Any advice? I’d love to hear about your experiences in the comments.
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