Primal Lifestyle Update, 6-month edition

This is a quick update on my Primal lifestyle progress. This is six months after beginning a relatively low carb and relatively high fat diet based around The Primal Blueprint by Mark Sisson and with convictions gained after reading Why We Get Fat and What to do About It by Gary Taubes.

Weight Loss – I’ve lost a total of 30 pounds but I’ve been maintaining my current weight for six weeks or so. I haven’t been tracking body fat but wish I had a scale or other device that would measure it. Along with the bit of weight I lost last year restricting calories, I’m down a total of forty pounds since Jan1 of 2010. I do have some fat that I’d like to lose, but I’ve reach a weight number that I’m satisfied with ( about 175 lb).

Clothing Sizes – Before going Primal, I was wearing jeans with a 34″ waist, but I’d have to pick out the biggest ones with that label. In slacks it took a 36″ size to be comfortable. Now I’m due a new wardrobe. I’m very comfortable in 32″ jeans and slacks and may have to go smaller.

Fitness – I’m generally following Sisson’s Primal Blueprint Fitness plan. I’m walking five to six days a week (moving slowly) for 45 min sessions. Twice a week, I ‘lift heavy things’ (myself) and once a week I do a sprinting session (for now those are running sprints). I’m able to power through the workouts consistently now,although I’ far from mastering all the exercises.

How I feel – At this point I consider this diet to be therapeutic and would not consider going back to my former diet. Heartburn is non existent, my energy level is high and consistent. I have no bloodwork data such as cholesterol but I’m confident it has improved as well.

Other anecdotal cases of success – My Dad has lost over 20 lbs and has had similar results with heartburn symptoms. My Uncle has also lost weight and has been able to eliminate one of two blood pressure medications and his acid reflux meds. Now my pastor has started the diet and has lost almost 20 lb in the last six weeks or so.

We still need to improve our food quality. Most of our meat and veggies come from conventional sources, but I’d say we’re well within Sisson’s 80/20 rule.

Interested in the Primal blueprint? Check out Mark’s Daily Apple.





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