Dell Vostro 1520 Unboxing

vostro-1520My first computer had an Intel 386, 66mhz processor with 16mb of RAM and a 40 megabyte hard drive. This was in the very early nineties, probably 1991. There were 486 “screamers” out then. I wasn’t on the cutting edge by any means but it served me well. It wasn’t running Windows. Oh no, back then I got excited about the brand new DOS 6.1. I’ve been running DOS and/or Windows based PC’s ever since.

I do remember the computer lab in college having some type of Apple computer. Probably an early Macintosh operating system. I never paid much attention to Macs because they wouldn’t run games like Wing Commander, which I spent hours playing between classes.

Lately though, I’ve been bitten by the “Mac Bug”. I don’t play games any more and I just want to get some work done. My main work is processing photos and web development and from what I hear a Macintosh PC is great for that.

I stopped at an Apple Store a couple of months ago and I have been reading a lot of reviews about MacBook Pro since then. I’m wondering if the 13″ Macbook Pro screen will be big enough for those infrequent times that I’m on an overnight photo shoot. Otherwise I’d have it connected to a 22″ Dell 2209WA monitor which is due to arrive here within the hour ~8-)

The Dell 2209WA display (I got two) arrived as I was typing this. Of course I had to hook one up and I’m looking at it now as I type this. Out of the box it looks great. Maybe too bright, but I’ll adjust it later and maybe do a full review post.

During my Mac research I noticed a bunch of people recording “Unboxing Videos”. So instead of immediately opening their new MacBook they set up a video camera and record their experience. I wanted to make an exaggerated version of those as a parody, but I ended up just doing a “for the record” type of thing with my wife’s new Vostro 1520 from Dell. Her school sytem is actually almost anti-Mac so she decided to go ahead and fit in with a Windows PC this time.

Anyway, enough rambling. Here’s the video I recorded on my Sony Hi8 camcorder and imported and edited with Windows Movie Maker that comes with Win Vista Home Premium. Enjoy!

Here are the specs on this Vostro 1520:

  • Intel Core2 Duo 2.24 Ghz
  • 3GB RAM
  • 320 GB HDD
  • 15.4″ Widescreen
  • Vista Home Premium (Make sure you specify the Windows version you want when ordering a Vostro. They were going to put Home Basic on this one until I caught it.)
  • Webcam built into the monitor
  • Express Card slot.
  • 4x USB 2.0 Ports (2 left / 2 right)
  • IEEE 1394 (Firewire) port on right.
  • CD/DVD Burner (Tray-loading)
  • LAN and VGA on the back (No DVI)
  • SD/MMC Memory Stick/Pro slot and headphone/mic jacks on the front.



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