Low Carb Journey interview with Mark Sisson

hank's low car journey podcastI ran across another great blog this week. It’s written by Hank Garner over at MyLowCarbJourney.com. Hank has lost some serious weight in the past year following the Primal / Paleo eating plan and he interviews some great people on his Low Carb Journey Podcast.  One particular episode that deserves a link is Hank’s interview with Mark Sisson.

The reason I like this interview is that Mark and Hank have very different body types, yet the Primal way of life worked for both of them.  Mark never had a weight problem and has been a runner most of his life. Hank is a self-professed “fat man looking for the truth”.   So no matter where you are right now, I think you can relate to some part of this interview.

In the interview, Mark also gives a great summary of his health philosophy:

In a nutshell:

  • fresh, organic, unprocessed food – no junk!
  • daily activity – whether it’s the gym or a walk along the beach, it all counts
  • plenty of quality sleep
  • plenty of water, no soda or sweetened drinks
  • antioxidants galore – the key to limiting stress
  • a good fish-oil supplement
  • lots of essential fats, reckless amounts of vegetables, and clean protein
  • time for fun – don’t take anything too seriously – ethical behavior – because what goes around comes around
  • taking responsibility for yourself and your life – openness to new things and ideas
  • If you’re new to Primal living and want a good summary and explanation, check out the interview.

    Before I close out the post, a quick update on my progress this week. I was able to work in about three and a half hours of walking with sustained heart rate, two Lift Heavy Things (LHT) workouts (bodyweight) and my first Sprint workout.

    This was the first time I’ve actually sprinted since baseball practice in high school. I did six warm up jogs and six sprints of about 40 yards. At sprinting speed they were about ten seconds. From the way I feel today I think it was effective. I definitely used some muscles that hadn’t been used in a while, but no injuries. I think I’ll be ready to do it again next week.

    Still little to no weight loss this week, but I’m still feeling great. Oh, and I made a batch of jerky all by myself.  Look out world.

    Grock on!





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