My Next Clock

It’s funny what will finally prompt one to post a new blog entry after some time of inactivity, but I just couldn’t resist posting about a rather unique clock that I first heard about on the This Week In Tech (TWiT) podcast.

It’s called the Voco clock and instead of an annoying buzz or bell (which I HATE! -I use a radio clock) it features the voice of Steven Fry acting as your personal butler. He says things like “. . .congratulations for making it through another night suh. Let’s sieze the day and take it roughly from behind. . .as the colonel used to say.”

You’ll just have to visit the Voco Clock website and listen to the sample audios for yourself to get the full effect.

Here’s a photo of it:

Voco Clock

I’m seriously thinking about getting one. If you like you can see a review here at TechEBlog.






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