Tag: computers

  • Technology On The Move [photos 2012]

    This is the exact shot I’ve been hoping for ever since I arrived in Vietnam. Classic Ho Chi Minh City motorcycle/pickup truck scene. I got this from a moving taxi which is a testament to the lack of shutter lag and speed of the iPhone 4S camera. I’ve seen more stuff on a motorcycle but…

  • Windows Seven Eve

    Well, that four months sure went by fast! I placed my pre-order with Amazon.com for Windows 7 Home Premium back on June 28th. I just got the shipping notification and my copy should be here right on time tomorrow. Yay! Since I’m running Windows XP Pro I’m going to be doing what Microsoft refers to…

  • Dell Vostro 1520 Unboxing

    My first computer had an Intel 386, 66mhz processor with 16mb of RAM and a 40 megabyte hard drive. This was in the very early nineties, probably 1991. There were 486 “screamers” out then. I wasn’t on the cutting edge by any means but it served me well. It wasn’t running Windows. Oh no, back…

  • Release Windows 7!

    I think it’s ready too Kelly! Kelly Poe is a big fan of Windows 7. So big he started a site to campaign for the release of Windows 7, the newest operating system from Microsoft. I just voted yes! As Kelly says though, I want Microsoft to take all the necessary time it needs to…

  • Windows Secrets recommendation and review

    If you spend any amount of time online and you use a Microsoft Windows based PC you know, or at least I hope you know, that you need to be on your toes to protect the security of your computer and the data stored on it. I want to share one of my core resources…