Decisions, Decisions, Decisions in 3 easy steps!

Choose It!When you stop and think about it we should be in awe of all the opportunities we have in today’s world. The only problem is choosing wisely to live abundantly. The other day I ran across a neat little tool that will help you make the best decision in any situation. In a simple three-step process you can quickly make important business, financial, even life-changing decisions.

No kidding!

It brings amazing clarity, your own clarity, to any complex question or problem. People have used it to…

  • make crucial business decisions
  • select career paths for their adult children
  • pick the best web host for their new site
  • make the monumental decision about what to have for lunch (bacon sandwich or cheese sandwich or bacon and cheese sandwich).

The tool is called Choose It!

First, you type in your question. The only thing is you can’t use a question that has a simple yes or no answer. Pick something that has several possible choices like “Where should I go on vacation?” or “Which web host should I use for my site?”

The tool then prompts you for all the possible choices that you are trying to choose from. Now don’t just enter one answer that you really want and four or five that you don’t want. If you purposely skew the variables then you will defeat the purpose.

Ask yourself what is most important to you? That’s what you have to think about next. Relative to the decision you are trying to make, pick a few factors that wouild influence your decision.

Once you get those factors entered in, Choose It! generates an overall score and bar chart for each answer according to how well it fulfilled the factors that are important to you, while considering the importance you gave to each factor.

In other words, you decide the outcome. Choose It! just provides a framework for you to organize your thoughts and judgments. And then it simply supplies the math to figure out the results.

The beauty of Choose It! is that YOU actually make the decision. As long as you consider all important possible answers and factors, and as long as you score truthfully and don’t guide Choose It! to the answer you “secretly” want, you simply cannot make a mistake. Enjoy!

Don’t make another decision without it!
If you find Choose It! to be valuable, please leave a comment on how it helped you.



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